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Cinema and enhancement of the territory: this is where the Muciara Short Film Festival takes place

23/04/2021 17:21

Aurora Tamigio

Press release , MuciaraSFF2021,

Cinema and enhancement of the territory: this is where the Muciara Short Film Festival takes place

The Muciara Short Film Festival combines digital contest and live event: the award ceremony takes place on 1° August 2021 in the suggestive Tonnara di Bonagia,

The Muciara Short Film Festival combines digital contest and live event: the award ceremony takes place on 1 ° August 2021 in the suggestive

Tonnara di Bonagia, Valderice

The first edition of the Muciara Short Film Festival was conceived in a mixed format, combining the possibilities of digital with live event.

The Festival begins with an online contest, which ends on June 30, aimed at independent authors and production companies, which can be accessed via subscription on FilmFreeway. The jury's selection of the finalist works will follow, which will reach the evening event on 1 August 2021 where, the award ceremony will take place in the suggestive location of the Tonnara di Bonagia, Valderice. The short finalists in the Competition will be awarded and the winners will be awarded in the presence of a technical jury. During the evening, the Out of Competition works by authors born / and or resident in Sicily will also be screened, selected by the organization in collaboration with the artistic direction.


Ci ospita una super location: la Tonnara di Bonagia, Valderice, dove si svolgerà la Premiazione. La Tonnara di Bonagia, Valderice, è parte dei progetti di valorizzazione del patrimonio che hanno portato, nel 2019, all’apertura del museo che si trova all’interno della Torre della Tonnara. Le muciare (dal nome arabo «mucir», che indica la barca più piccola della Tonnara, serviva al Rais, il capo squadra, per spostarsi da un punto all'altro della tonnara) rappresentano reperti di archeologia industriale. Dopo essere rimaste per anni in condizioni di abbandono, molte associazioni sono sorte negli ultimi anni con lo scopo di ristrutturarle e recuperarle insieme alle architetture che le ospitano. Le Tonnare oggi sono sedi di musei, realtà culturali, enti che si occupano di valorizzazione del territorio. 


Uno dei luoghi più suggestivi della Sicilia diventa il palcoscenico della prima edizione del Muciara Film Festival. 


There is a super location: the Tonnara di Bonagia, Valderice, where the Award Ceremony will take place. La Tonnara di Bonagia, Valderice, is part of the heritage enhancement projects that led, in 2019, to the opening of the museum located inside the Torre della Tonnara. The muciare (from the Arabic name «mucir », which indicates the smallest boat in the Tonnara, was used by the Rais, the team leader, to move from one point to another in the trap) represent finds of industrial archeology. After having remained for years in conditions of neglect, many associations have sprung up in recent years with the aim of renovating and recovering them together with the architectures that host them. Today the

Tonnare are home to museums, cultural realities, bodies that deal with the enhancement of the territory.

One of the most evocative places in Sicily becomes the stage for the first edition of the Muciara Film Festival.